Data & AI

Hyper-relevant tweets based on Watson Alchemy Data News

On my previous post on the Hyper-relevant data topic I’ve used the AlchemyData News services to update my telegram channel

The AlchemyData News indexes near 300k English language news and blog articles every day with historical search available for the past 60 days. You can query the News API directly with no need to acquire, enrich and store the data yourself – enabling you to go beyond simple keyword-based searches.

Now I’m using AlchemyData news to query blogs and on-line websites about #WatsonIoT topic to create tweets with the hyper-relevant results.

To automate my Twitter feed I’m using node-RED:

Hyper-relevant tweets based on Watson Alchemy Data News
Hyper-relevant tweets based on Watson Alchemy Data News

The flow is very simple, I’m using the Watson Alchemy data news with #WatsonIoT as key search:

Hyper-relevant tweets based on Watson Alchemy Data News
IBM Watson AlchemyData news node

and a Tweet node to produce the tweets:

Hyper-relevant tweets based on Watson Alchemy Data News
Tweet node

Here is my Twitter profiles with hyper-relevant tweets:

Hyper-relevant tweets based on Watson Alchemy Data News
Hyper-relevant tweets based on Watson Alchemy Data News


Also I will share my new blog posts to Twitter 🙂

[xyz-ihs snippet=”twitter”]


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