IBM BusinessConnect 2016
In a world of data, where everyone and everything is connected to the Internet of Things, cognitive computing makes the difference. Only cognitive systems can analyze gigantic streams of data in milliseconds. And not just facts and figures but images, sound, human sentiments and relationships. They reason independently, are continuously learning, and support the most complex decision-making. They take us into a new era of thinking.
IBM BusinessConnect 2016 #IBMBCIT: Internet of Things in the Cognitive era.
Milano, La Permanente | October 18th
BusinessConnect event in Milan-Italy will explore this new world. In the first part, the journalist David Parenzo will talk about concrete use-cases and solutions that are part of our daily lives.
Enrico Cereda IBM Italy CEO will discuss about the impact of IoT and Cognitive approach.
In the second part of the event it will assigned the award to the three finalists of “The Big Hack” Hackathon.
I’m going to participate to the event together Alessandro Imparato with my two demos:
- Watson Visual Recognition for quality control in production lines: based on Watson Visual Recognition service a cognitive recognition solutions can be used for automatic quality control in production processes. The Watson feature extraction and machine learning techniques are used to design classification systems for a variety of image-based inspection tasks.

- Watson IoT Receptionist BOT: The “typical” tasks of a receptionist are answering phones and greeting people who walk through the door. Of course, receptionists have always done many other things to keep offices running smoothly, but these are the tasks that most people think of first. In some companies, virtual receptionists and visitor management systems have replaced front-desk staff altogether. So the idea is to find a first step towards a visitor management system using the IoT devices and visual recognition to propose a visitor registration management solution.
A Bluemix solution to register, track and manage the visitors. Features include mail notifications as well as a real-time dashboard on which you can check the activities.
Save the date ! here is the complete program.
Milano, La Permanente | October 18th
I will wait for you to the Demo and Solution Area !