#Happy2016 : Using Watson Analytics and Twitter data
Happy New Year everyone ! I just want to thank you all for your support in 2015.
Starting up my new website was a big step for me to take, so thanks to all who have supported me ! Seriously excited about creating and sharing future content with you.
In this article I’m presenting a simple application to use IBM Watson Social Insights: using Watson Analytics and Twitter data.
My solution is able to leverage the power of IBM Bluemix. As many of you know Bluemix is an open-standard, cloud platform for building, running, and managing applications, moreover Bluemix exposes powerful set of IBM and third-party APIs and services. You can simply create a service based on Watson APIs. In this simple application I’m using the Insights for Twitter service.
I used IBM Insights for Twitter to incorporate Twitter content from the Twitter streams into my IBM Bluemix application. The content store is refreshed and indexed in real-time, making searches dynamic and fast. The service enriches Tweets with sentiment and other insights for multiple languages, based on deep natural language processing algorithms from IBM Social Media Analytics.

Real-time processing of Twitter data streams is fully supported; configurable through a rich set of query parameters and keywords. Insights for Twitter includes REST APIs that allow you to customize your searches and returns Tweets and enrichments in JSON format.
The Insights for Twitter service analyzes the Twitter streams in real-time to provide the following enrichments for each Tweet’s author:
- Gender
- Permanent location defined by country, state, and city
The following enrichments are also available for Tweet content
- Sentiment: positive, negative, ambivalent, or neutral for Tweets in English, German, French, and Spanish
- Positive/negative sentiment phrases contained in a Tweet for Tweets in English, German, French, and Spanish
Using Watson Analytics and Twitter data is useful to create social data-enabled applications. Developers and entrepreneurs can search, quickly explore and mine enriched Twitter content and aggregated insights using this cloud-based service.
Here my simple application: twitter insights application on IBM bluemix, in this example I built a query to search the hashtag #happy2016 starting on 31th of December:

The following video demonstrates how to use my simple application: a search interface for IBM Insights for Twitter:
Enjoy to use the application and IBM Watson, your comments and suggestions are welcome.
happy new year ! very interesting !